Between €50.000.000 & €500 Million
The State of Côte d'Ivoire, through the Ministry of Construction, Housing & Urbanism, has the ambition to develop its land heritage for the construction of administrative towers for office use in the Plateau commune. Thus, within the framework of a memorandum of understanding with the MCLU, Imaad created the project company SPV Imaad Plaza Towers SA, whose corporate name is the construction of administrative towers for administrative and commercial use on five (5) identified sites in the Plateau commune, business district. The first project called Imaad Twin Towers will be built on a lot with an area of 7,600 m2, and will consist of the construction of two twin towers of type R+30. The global cost of the project is estimated at €250 million, and the beginning of the of the works is planned for the second half of 2023.